All are invited to gather in the Four Evangelist's Hall after the Sunday Masses for food sales and fellowship. Breakfast burritos will be served after the 8:45 & 11:00am Masses. After the 1:00pm Mass there will be homemade mole and rice.
In observance of Christmas and New Year the parish office will be closed from December 23rd to January 2nd. Please remember if you have an emergency and are in need of a priest call the office phone number and follow the prompt to leave an emergency voicemail. The voicemails are received 24 hours a day
Celebrate Christmas by coming early to the Christmas masses for a special musical production by the St. Bartholomew Music Ministry. We will begin singing 30 minutes before the 4:30pm Mass on Christmas Eve, and will have an extended Musical Celebration starting at 11:00pm (one hour before the Midnight Mass). We will start with choral performances and will conclude with an extended Christmas Carol sing-along. Hope to see you there!
The penance service scheduled for Tuesday, December 17 has been canceled. If you would like to receive the sacrament of reconciliation before Christmas, we encourage you to come on Saturday 3:00-4:15pm or after the 11am Mass on Sunday (12:00-1:00pm). Hemos cancelado las confesiones para mañana, martes 17 de diciembre. Hay confesiones disponible el sábado a las 3 de la tarde y el domingo después de cada misa dominical.
You are all cordially invited to attend the posadas from December 16th to December 23rd at 7:00 pm in the church. Están todos cordialmente invitados a asistir a las posadas. Del 16 al 23 de diciembre a las 7:00 p. m. en la iglesia.
Fr. Fernando will offer a blessing of the food for us on Wednesday, November 27th at Mass at 6:00pm. Bring your non-perishable Thanksgiving food for a blessing.
If you have recently received an email or text from Fr. Fernando or Bishop Michael Olson asking for a favor, for a gift card or for money please disregard. The emails and texts are fraudulent. If you receive an email or text, please delete it and do not respond.
Starting November 17th, St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Pantry will be handing out Thanksgiving Baskets to the needy for Thanksgiving. Click here for complete details.
Burritos will be sold in the Four Evangelist's Hall after the Sunday morning Masses (8:45am & 11:00am). A multitude of booths and tents will be setup in the East Parking lot after the 1:15pm and 3:00pm Masses selling various foods. Some booths will be organized by the Ministry of Our Lady of the Rosary, and some by the parish. All are invited to attend!
Mass for the Feast of All Saints will be celebrated in English at 8:30am and in Spanish at 7:00pm. This is also the First Friday, so we will have anointing of the sick at both Masses and adoration throughout the day. Children are encouraged to attend the Mass in the evening dressed as their favorite saint. Candy will be distributed.