Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I'm contacting you today to let you know what is going on in the parish. The life of the Church continues even in these uncertain times. In truth, it is during difficult times that we do our best work. When faced with adversity, Christ's Church is able to clearly announce the Good News and assure people of God's abiding love. Here at St. Bartholomew Parish this work continues every day.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society continues to serve the needy with food outreach. The men and women involved in direct service to those in need have served hundreds. Thanks in great part to your generosity through the "Pay it Forward" campaign, St. Vincent de Paul has also been able to help families experiencing financial distress due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Over $20,000 has been collected through the Pay it Forward campaign.) The Gabriel project has also been active in the past weeks and has done great work, currently serving 25+ destitute pregnant women. I share with you part of an email I received from Linda Fowler, who directs the Gabriel Project;
Here is a brief overview of where we are.
The Sacramental life of the parish goes on. Masses are being celebrated at the normal times on the weekend and during the week. We continue to livestream the 11:00 am Sunday Mass and the 1:15 pm Sunday Mass in Spanish. Also, daily Masses are being live streamed. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available on Saturday at 3:00 pm--the normal hour. People have been very cooperative about wearing masks during reconciliation. If you come for confession you will be shown where to stand and wait, always following the guidelines for social distancing.
We missed the Easter Vigil, and the people planning on entering the Church are waiting. On the Vigil of Pentecost at the 4:30 pm Vigil Mass we will celebrate the baptism and confirmation of ten people who are entering the Church. The following day at 11:00 (English) and 1:15 (Spanish) we will celebrate the Profession of Faith and Confirmation of people entering the Church. We have separated these groups due to the limited seating required by social distancing regulations. Please pray for all who are being baptized or are making a profession of faith.
Our first priority at St. Bartholomew is the safety of our parishioners: for this reason if you are for any reason concerned about the transmission of COVID-19 please feel free to stay home and stay safe. BIshop Olson has dispensed Catholics from the obligation to attend Mass for a good reason: your health and safety. With that said, I would like people to consider returning to Mass--we are following protocols that make it reasonably safe.
Please remember to pray for all those who suffer with COVID-19 that they will recover quickly and completely. Also pray for the many people in our society who live in fear that they can have greater confidence in God's loving providence. Please stay safe!
In Christ,
Fr. Karl Schilken